This paper considers the current role of the university lecturer in engineering education. It briefly describes how to be a good teacher and the elements that facilitate this task. A broad guide is offered on how to manage class dynamics given the new teaching challenges. The lecturer’s relationship with the new methodologies that impact on the training of engineers is discussed. Approaches are examined for incorporating these new methodologies into classes in an innovative way through student-centred teaching techniques. Finally, the emergence of online training as a new educational format is analysed and practical recommendations are made.
Identify the relevant aspects of teaching in the current context of engineering degrees.
Identify the conditions for learner-centred learning.
Establish a teaching strategy that is structured using Bloom's taxonomy.
Consider different ways of learning with Kolb's model, and its application when planning teaching sessions.
Consider learning models focused on active methodologies.
Establish the characteristics of meaningful learning and differentiate active methodologies according to Horváth’s topography.
Differentiate between organisational modalities, teaching methods, and key teaching techniques to establish an innovative and flexible teaching methodology.
Understand the main aspects of virtual teaching and guidelines for effective application.
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